Sunday, September 30, 2012

Social Awreness 9/25/12

To whom it may concern,

     I am writing you with the intention of grabbing your attention and focusing it on bullying that is really hitting everyone all over the world. I am a student at Philip Barbour High School located in Philippi, West Virginia. My school is a victum of past and current bullying. The bullying that takes part in my school is no where close to other schools in America but I feel as a student, in years to come it will be just as bad but worse.
     I can relate to the bullying situation in two ways because I myself have been a bully and also a victum of bullying. I believe that everyone has been their own bully in some way even if they don't believe or recall they have. I was a bully and still today at times I am, I don't like to be bully nor do I want to be known as one but we all act before we speak or speak before we think. Being a victum of bullying myself made me realize what I was putting others through so I am doing the best I can to make a difference and not be a bully.
     I can tell you being a victum of bullying can lead you to depression, avoiding everyone, being upset, counseling and many more things. Nobody realizes the things that drives a human being to do the things they have or do when they have been bullied. I think if everyone took a turn in somebody else's shoes they would change their whole outlook on bullying. I also believe if everyone took the chance to get to know someone before they judge them and get to know their past, they'd understand bullying isn't the way to go.
     Honestly, you take a step back and think of a time you have bullied someone or been a victum of bullying and think how you felt about it. I bet looking back remembering you bullied someone you feel pretty crappy inside and wish you could take what you said or did back. As for looking back to when you were a victum of bullying, I bet you wish you could of hit them or even told them off but no you just remembered how put down you were. Bullying should be put to a complete hault and people should be ashamed of themselves when they take part in bullying.
     Nobody no matter what they case may be deserves to be a victum of bullying. We should all as one learn to respect one another and learn to pick everyone up instead of kicking them down. I hope that one day myself that I can stop bullying or somebody else can. So by me writing you this letter, I am hoping this is the start of a new beginning. I want everyone to take a stand against bullying and not just sit back and let it happen. So let's get a start now and stop bullying! Thank you for taking your own time to sit down and read my letter, I hope you decide to take a stand against bullying.

Casey L. Burner

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