Thursday, September 20, 2012

1. Complete bell ringer
2. research the first ammendment and the right to five parts of the first amendment
     1. Religion
     2. Free Speech
     3. Free Press
     4. Assembly
     5. Petition

3. examine how much privacy one has in the digital age we live. Write a paragraph
In the digital age that we live in today, we are constantly exposing our personal information online. From using cell phones and GPS devices to online shopping and sending e-mail, the things we do and say online leave behind ever-growing trails of personal information. The ACLU believes that Americans shouldn’t have to choose between using new technology and keeping control of your private information. Each week, we feature some of the most interesting news related to technology and civil liberties that we’ve spotted from the previous week.

4. research the patriot act and summarize it in a paragraph.

The Patriot Act is a law passed by Congress in 2001 in wake of 9/11. Among the many, many provisions on the Patriot Act, Congress passed laws making it a crime to attack, threaten to attack, or attempt to attack any modes of mass transportation, a crime punishable for up to 20 years or — if a passenger lost a life — life imprisonment. The Patriot Act also makes it a crime to commit any dangerous or illegal acts on U.S. soil with the intention to intimidate or coerce the government or a government official; to posses a weapon of mass destruction; hack into a government computer system; or give financial assistance to identified terrorist groups.

5. write a paragraph detailing if the patriot act is a violation of the first amendment

6. find a news article and copy and paste the link where you feel the person used their privacy as an "excuse" to get away with something

7. find a news article and copy and paste the link where you fee a person's privacy was not protected

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