Thursday, August 23, 2012

Civics assignment 8/23/12

1. Define the Constitution… your own words in a PARAGRAPH (3-5 sentences)
  Constitution in my own words is freedom. The rights you live by and apperciate to have. Lets you do the things you wouldn't be able to do without it.

2. How would your life be without the constitution ?  
 My life without the constitution would not be fun because it allows me my freedom and my rights.

3. Define the following words:

Ratification- the act or process of ratifying, or the state of being ratified; a formal declaration of agreement to a treaty

Faction- a small, organized, dissenting group within a larger one, esp. in politics

Federalism- the federal principle or system of government

Federalist/ Antifederalist: federalist-  Of, pertaining to, or favoring federalism or federalists
Antifederalist- Anti-Federalism is a political philosophy which opposes the concept of Federalism


Compromise- An agreement or a settlement of a dispute that is reached by each side making concessions

The Great Compromise (Connecticut Compromise)- was an agreement between large and small states reached during the Constitutional Convention of 1787 that in part defined the legislative structure and representation that each state would have under United States Compromise

Checks and Balances- Counterbalancing influences by which an organization or system is regulated, typically those ensuring that political power is not concentrated in the hands of individuals or groups

    Democratic Republic- A republic in which the representatives elected by the people make and enforce laws and policies

    Delegated Powers of the Federal Government- Expressed, Implied, Inherent

    Reserved Powers of the State Governments- a  power that can be exercised that can be exercised by the head of state without the approval of another branch of another government  

    Separation of Powers- Division of powers among the three branches of government

    Civil Liberties-one's freedom to exercise one's rights as guaranteed under the laws of the country

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