Friday, August 31, 2012

similarities & differences:George Washington and Patrick Henry

Casey L. Burner = George Washington; Federalist
Stephanie Streets = Patrick Henry; Anti-federalist


1.Founding Fathers
2.Both were Founding Fathers from Virginia
3.Both were involved in politics
4.Known for famous quotes
5.Involved in war


1.George Washington was a federalist
2.Patrick Henry was a anti-federalist
3.George Washington hosted one of the intial state conferences
4.Patrick Henry was a lawyer before signing the constitution
5.George Washington was the first president

BR 8/31/12

I believe that everyone should have to show their I.D when the go to vote. Showing their I.D when they go to vote is a good idea because it shows whether their old enough to vote or if their an alien.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

BR 8/30/12

I believe that hurricane Isaac is another major tragedy. I believe that people should take this hurricane more seriously than they are. But in my own opinion I believe that once this tragedy is over people should help them as much as they can.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

BR 8/29/12

I believe faking your own death is a crime because you're making false information. I don't believe it's right at all to fake your own death because it is just plain out stupid! You are basically leaving without having to pay anything besides for your food, gas or etc. Just faking your own death is like for real dumb and def a crime!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

federalist or anti-federalist 8/28/12

1. Who are you? How old are you in 1787?
I am George Washington and I am 55 years old.

2. Are you Federalist or Anti-Federalist
I am a Federalist and I support the Constituion.

3. What is your personal history up to 1787?
In 1753, I got sent on a dangerous mission to take a letter to Fort Le Beouf. On July 3, 1775, I took command of the Continental Army. Then on December 26, 1776 I through a surprise party. And on May 1787 State Representatives wanted someone to lead America and decided I was the right guy.

4. What was your role in the Constitutional Convention?
I arrived May 25 and was present through the signing of the Constitution. I spoke only once near the end of the deliberations, I had a profound influence on the scope and direction of the discussions. The delegates elected me to preside over the Convention.

5. What stated views would explain your actions during the Constitutional Convention?
I participated little in the debates but my high prestige maintained collegiality and kept the delegates at their labors.
"There are four things, which I humbly conceive, are essential to the well being, I may even venture to say, to the existence of the United States as an independent power:
  1. An indissoluble union of the states under one federal head.
  2. A sacred regard to public justice.
  3. The adoption of a proper peace establishment.
  4. The prevalence of that pacific and friendly disposition among the people of the United States which will induce them to forget their local prejudices and policies, to make those mutual concessions which are requisite to the general prosperity, and in some instances, to sacrifice their individual advantages to the interest of the community."

6. What is your stance during the ratifying conventions? Who supports your viewpoint?
 The delegates designed the presidency with myself in mind, and allowed me to define the office once elected. After the Convention, my support convinced many to vote for ratification, the new Constitution was ratified by all thirteen states. The delegates supported my viewpoint.

7. What are your views of this new plan of government? What are the benefits or dangers?

8/27/12 notes

Ratification- to approve
Sept 17, 1787- Constitution Day

Federalists- Supported The Constitution
-led by James Madison
-James Wilson
-John Jay
-George Read
-Alexander Hamilton
-Roger Sherman
-Rufus King

Anti-federalists- Did not support The Constitution
-George Mason
-Patrick Henry
-Richard Henry Lee
-George Clifton
-Samuel Adams
-Elbridge Gerry
-Robert Yates
-Melacton Smith

"The Federalist Papers" - Written by three men; purpose was to make you support The Constitution.

The Constitution says that 9 states must ratify a new "law" (The Constitution) in order for it to go into effect. 1st state Delaware, 9th state New Hampshire, 13th Rhode Island.

Who attended The Constitutional Convention: * symbolizes who did NOT sign it
Ellsworth (Elsworth), Oliver*
Johnson, William S.
Sherman, Roger Delaware
Bassett (Basset), Richard
Bedford, Gunning, Jr.
Broom, Jacob
Dickinson, John
Read, George Georgia
Baldwin, Abraham
Few, William
Houstoun, William*
Pierce, William L.* Maryland
Carroll, Daniel
Jenifer, Daniel of St. Thomas
Martin, Luther*
McHenry, James
Mercer, John F.* Massachusetts
Gerry, Elbridge*
Gorham, Nathaniel
King, Rufus
Strong, Caleb* New Hampshire
Gilman, Nicholas
Langdon, John New Jersey
Brearly (Brearley), David
Dayton, Jonathan
Houston, William C.*
Livingston, William
Paterson (Patterson), William New York
Hamilton, Alexander
Lansing, John, Jr.*
Yates, Robert * North Carolina
Blount, William
Davie, William R.*
Martin, Alexander *
Spaight, Richard D.
Williamson, Hugh Pennsylvania
Clymer, George
Fitzsimons, Thomas
Franklin, Benjamin
Ingersoll, Jared
Mifflin, Thomas
Morris, Gouverneur
Morris, Robert
Wilson, James South Carolina
Butler, Pierce
Pinckney, Charles
Pinckney, Charles Cotesworth
Rutledge, John Rhode Island
Rhode Island did not send any delegates to the Constitutional Convention. Virginia
Blair, John
Madison, James
Mason, George *
McClurg, James*
Randolph, Edmund J.*
Washington, George
Wythe, George*

8/28/12 BR

I believe he should still have the right to pray. Just because he aided doesn't mean he deserve to lose his right to pray. His religious views shouldn't even be part of his punishment.

8/27/12 BR

I believe this is a religious discrimination because they don't allow her to wear what her religious views supports. If they had told her it was ok that she wear the skirt then they shouldn't of made a big deal out of it when she showed up in it. They should be more worried about letting her work then a skirt she is wearing. What you believe in religiously is what you believe in not what others need to approve of.

Friday, August 24, 2012

BR 8/24/12

I believe that people shouldn't make fake twitter profiles for candiates that are running. This allows them to make false statements and it changes peoples thought on the candiates running.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Civics assignment 8/23/12

1. Define the Constitution… your own words in a PARAGRAPH (3-5 sentences)
  Constitution in my own words is freedom. The rights you live by and apperciate to have. Lets you do the things you wouldn't be able to do without it.

2. How would your life be without the constitution ?  
 My life without the constitution would not be fun because it allows me my freedom and my rights.

3. Define the following words:

Ratification- the act or process of ratifying, or the state of being ratified; a formal declaration of agreement to a treaty

Faction- a small, organized, dissenting group within a larger one, esp. in politics

Federalism- the federal principle or system of government

Federalist/ Antifederalist: federalist-  Of, pertaining to, or favoring federalism or federalists
Antifederalist- Anti-Federalism is a political philosophy which opposes the concept of Federalism


Compromise- An agreement or a settlement of a dispute that is reached by each side making concessions

The Great Compromise (Connecticut Compromise)- was an agreement between large and small states reached during the Constitutional Convention of 1787 that in part defined the legislative structure and representation that each state would have under United States Compromise

Checks and Balances- Counterbalancing influences by which an organization or system is regulated, typically those ensuring that political power is not concentrated in the hands of individuals or groups

    Democratic Republic- A republic in which the representatives elected by the people make and enforce laws and policies

    Delegated Powers of the Federal Government- Expressed, Implied, Inherent

    Reserved Powers of the State Governments- a  power that can be exercised that can be exercised by the head of state without the approval of another branch of another government  

    Separation of Powers- Division of powers among the three branches of government

    Civil Liberties-one's freedom to exercise one's rights as guaranteed under the laws of the country

    citizenship test

    yeah i completely failed lol didnt even know half those questions, am i a U.S citizen? baha (:

    BR 8//23/12

    I believe he did no wrong when he waved the "Terrible Towel" ! I think people should be more worried about what he has to say politically then rather worry about a little towel waving!

    bellringer 8/22/12

    I believe the election between Obama and Romney is very close. But I do believe that in the end Obama will take it home again.

    Wednesday, August 22, 2012

    about me

    Casey L. Burner. Type 1 diabetic. Deer huntin, fishin and muddin are my things. Pittsburgh Steelers is my team. I have 6 nephews and im expecting a niece or nephew in Jan. I also have 3 brothers and 2 sisters. Favorite sports are basketball and football. Im free spirited and enjoy spending time with friends and family. Im easy to get along with (: