Friday, March 1, 2013

BR 2/28/13

Bellringer 1:  I believe the rates of teen deaths in driving is becoming a bit out of control. If teens weren't so worried about using their cell phones while driving, our rates wouldn't be increasing.

Bellringer 2: I don't believe going to a shooting range and shooting skeet is all that bad. People find that to be a hobby and enjoy shooting skeet with friends and family.

Bellringer 3: I beleive that in today's society that teenagers are becoming more and more out of control. The whole thing with sexting I beleive is becoming bigger and bigger. Maybe teens cellphones need to be more closer monitored.

Bellringer 4:   I don't belive making harlem shake videos is that bad but I suppose in school being provocative is a little out of control. But I believe they may just be blowing out of control just a little to much.

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