Thursday, March 28, 2013

BR 3/28/13

I don't believe she deserves a retrial especially if she committed murder. I believe if you commit murder you deserve to spend your life in jail. I also believe she needs to be released into the American court system because the Italy court system is very dysfunctional as the article states.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

BR 3/27/13

My belief on same sex marriage is there is not a darn thing wrong with it. If two people of the same sex are happy together than let them be. I mean there is such thing as the right to freedom so let them have the freedom to be happy with whoever they want to be with.

Monday, March 11, 2013

BR 3/11/13

I believe that it is dumb that they will allow knives on a plane but no toothpaste. If toothpaste can be more dangerous to passengers on a plane then somethings wrong.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

BR 3/5/13

I believe Kim should also take responsible actions and try to help better things for the world. Making threats about making new moves is not helping us out in any way.

Monday, March 4, 2013

BR 3/4/13

Bellringer 1 : I believe they should increase the taxes for higher paying families. And cut lower and middle class citizens a break.

Bellringer 2 : I believe they need to come up with new ideas instead of always taxing us or coming up with the idea to increase taxes.

BR 3/1/13

I beleive he attended the game to draw attention to himself and to be put inside the news.

Friday, March 1, 2013

BR 2/28/13

Bellringer 1:  I believe the rates of teen deaths in driving is becoming a bit out of control. If teens weren't so worried about using their cell phones while driving, our rates wouldn't be increasing.

Bellringer 2: I don't believe going to a shooting range and shooting skeet is all that bad. People find that to be a hobby and enjoy shooting skeet with friends and family.

Bellringer 3: I beleive that in today's society that teenagers are becoming more and more out of control. The whole thing with sexting I beleive is becoming bigger and bigger. Maybe teens cellphones need to be more closer monitored.

Bellringer 4:   I don't belive making harlem shake videos is that bad but I suppose in school being provocative is a little out of control. But I believe they may just be blowing out of control just a little to much.