Wednesday, May 8, 2013

BR 5/7/13

The article is stating that a girl was denied injunction against her school principal. I believe that the girl filed false information and just wants attention.

Monday, May 6, 2013

BR 5/6/13

I believe the guy doesn't deserve a proper burial, he took other peoples lives who were completely innocent. I agree with not letting his family purchase a memorial stone. In my defense I think his family should have to take him back home and bury him there.

Monday, April 29, 2013

BR 4/25/13

I find it rather ridiculous that they would say strapless dresses arent't allowed at the school dance especially if they've been allowed previous years. I also find it funny that the principal says the strapless dresses are a distraction to the boys. I mean some dresses can be inappropriate but they shouldn't make this as big of a deal as they are.

BR 4/29/13

This article states that whites and blacks weren't allowed to attend the same prom due to their skin color. I believe that this is very rediculous and racist. I also believe no matter what the color is of your skin you should be able to attend things equally.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

BR 4/18/13


BR 4/16/13

I believe how the explosives were made is very crazy. I can't believe how they made the explosives and I can't believe what things you can use to make explosives. I believe in todays society things are getting out of hand! I also believe that if you're not born in the United States you are not considered a U.S citizen no matter what tests you take!

BR 4/15/13

I somewhat belive that you should be allowed to carry a gun outside of your home but on the other hand I believe you shouldn't be allowed to. Its more less win win and lose lose situation when it comes to the topic.

BR 4/12/13

I believe that in order to purchase a gun they should do background checks on those purchasing a gun. I also believe that it's very necessary to do a background on those purchasing a gun because it finds out their history, if their a criminal or have an illness.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

BR 4/8/13

I believe that everyone is guilty of texting while driving. I also believe that it's uncalled for how adults are constantly complaining about teenagers texting and driving causing accidents to happen. But in reality their the ones admiting of texting and driving. I mean the article states that the percentage of texting while driving is clearly higher in adults then in teenagers. I believe that the texting while driving has become out of control and needs to be taking care of. There is no need for high numbers in deaths, crashes, injuries and other people being hurt do to unsafe drivers.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

BR 3/28/13

I don't believe she deserves a retrial especially if she committed murder. I believe if you commit murder you deserve to spend your life in jail. I also believe she needs to be released into the American court system because the Italy court system is very dysfunctional as the article states.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

BR 3/27/13

My belief on same sex marriage is there is not a darn thing wrong with it. If two people of the same sex are happy together than let them be. I mean there is such thing as the right to freedom so let them have the freedom to be happy with whoever they want to be with.

Monday, March 11, 2013

BR 3/11/13

I believe that it is dumb that they will allow knives on a plane but no toothpaste. If toothpaste can be more dangerous to passengers on a plane then somethings wrong.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

BR 3/5/13

I believe Kim should also take responsible actions and try to help better things for the world. Making threats about making new moves is not helping us out in any way.

Monday, March 4, 2013

BR 3/4/13

Bellringer 1 : I believe they should increase the taxes for higher paying families. And cut lower and middle class citizens a break.

Bellringer 2 : I believe they need to come up with new ideas instead of always taxing us or coming up with the idea to increase taxes.

BR 3/1/13

I beleive he attended the game to draw attention to himself and to be put inside the news.

Friday, March 1, 2013

BR 2/28/13

Bellringer 1:  I believe the rates of teen deaths in driving is becoming a bit out of control. If teens weren't so worried about using their cell phones while driving, our rates wouldn't be increasing.

Bellringer 2: I don't believe going to a shooting range and shooting skeet is all that bad. People find that to be a hobby and enjoy shooting skeet with friends and family.

Bellringer 3: I beleive that in today's society that teenagers are becoming more and more out of control. The whole thing with sexting I beleive is becoming bigger and bigger. Maybe teens cellphones need to be more closer monitored.

Bellringer 4:   I don't belive making harlem shake videos is that bad but I suppose in school being provocative is a little out of control. But I believe they may just be blowing out of control just a little to much.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

BR 2/26/13

I think sleep texting is rather weird and crazy. I do believe alot of people do do it even if they don't recall doing it. I know from presonal experience that I have sleep texted myself and half the time I don't even remember it.

BR 2/25/13

I think we need to hang tight to our gun laws, because the more we let them come into our lives, the less freedom we have. I think we should always stick by our guns and keep fighting to keep our gun rights.

BR 2/22/13

They want to petition it because it drives the corn prices up even when they are low on supply.

WV is ranked last or close to last on all mental health catagories. only half have been actually seen by a doctor.

BR 2/21/13

That guy is an idiot. Racism shouldn't still be around in 2013. He needs to be sued or just punched in the face. Who cares what color the person is, as long as they're qualified.

BR 2/20/13

In Mississippi after the voting rights were passed, the KKK still attacked. There were three young civil rights workers murdered in 1964 and it still haunts the town today. I think that it would be the most dangerous time.

BR 2/19/13

They are talking about every man and woman to have to do 2 years of compulsory service. It would create balance and fairness. The change will create significant steps toward equality.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

People who Made a Difference presentations

Matin Luther King Jr.

1.) Made his speech on August 28, 1963
2.) Died at a young age due to getting shot
3.) Casket was ingraved with a saying

Harvey Milk

1.) Gay rights activist
2.) First person that was gay as city commissioner
3.) played football in high school

Dorthy hodgekins

1.) Worked in all kinds of science
2.) Worked mainly with crystalography
3.) Used the structure of crystals to find medicine

Albert Einstein

1.) Remains a significant part of history still to this day
2.) Dropped out of high school in 1894
3.) 1905 was his miracle year


1.) Became famous for civil rights for indians
2.) Arranged a 240 mile march
3.) Got arrested for making salt infront of people


1.) Highly reguarded for his leadership
2.) Served as prime minister for 2 years
3.) Lead britian as prime minister


1.) Suffered violence as a child
2.) Father was freed from slavery when he was 45
3.) Escaped from slavery

Jane Goodall

1.) Born in london
2.) Studied history of chimps
3.) Never had a pet til the age of 47 which was a cat

Bill Gates

1.) Computer programer
2.) Did first program when he was 13
3.) Went to college but dropped out to fill out his dreams

Friday, February 15, 2013

BR 2/14/13

The article is talking about how the birth is at its lowest currently. They explain how it's such a big deal but I beleive it's ok because in reality too many kids are being born especially to young teenagers. It may be a big deal to some but if some would realize it may just be for the better for time being.

BR 2/13/13

Comparing the two State of the Unions, it looks as if Obama is trying to focus more on America and the jobs. But I believe there is more the just those two things to constantly talk about or focus on.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

BR 2/12/13

It is talking about how nuclear tests are being conducted in North Korea today. They also talk about how in the past they haven't been such a big threat as they have been here recently. I think they should be very careful and watch for the nuclear testing.

Monday, February 11, 2013

BR 2/11/13

The bellringer talks about how Obama has spent this year talking about debt reduction, gun control, climate change and immigration. But he wants to mainly talk about focusing on economy and jobs. It also talks about how he will talk about budget disputes.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

BR 2/7/13

I don't think people realize how serious west virginians take our gun rights. There is no need to try and take our rights away from us when everybody knows we aren't gonna care what the government has to say. We will always have our guns no matter and always keep our gun rights. But they keep bringing up about gun rights and making a big deal of it, it's really becoming annoying.

BR 2/6/13

Digital learning has really been helpful and useful for students in the 21st century. It has helped them become successful in computer skills, learning more about technology and learning how to use all tools available on computers. I think it is wonderful that they are increasing digital learning for students.

BR 1/31/13

I don't understand why the biggest dispute is guns. I mean I do understand but people are taking and blowing it all out of the ordinary. I just think they need to settle it and pick a few things to make gun rights a little stricter. Our nation has way to many other things to be worrying about than people and guns.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

BR 1/31/13

People just need to think about what their really going to do when going to get an education and job. They need to think about money being spent toward an education and choosing wisely.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

BR 1/30/13

BR 1/16/13

I honestly don't care what type of license plate Obama or the state of Washington, D.C. is wanting or asking for. When im out on the road I tend to not pay attention to other peoples licenses plates. But I believe they just want to feel special and be different.

BR 1/15/13

I believe that they shouldn't take any gun righs away but they should require certain and stricter laws for those with weapons. But like I said before all states and everyone should consider all pros and cons of all weapons.

BR 1/14/13

I believe that they should pass some sort of weapon ban for the U.S because some things are becoming a little out of hand. But I believe they should consider all the pros and cons before passing any type of ban. They really need to consider that guns don't kill people or weapons period don't kill people, people kill people.

BR 1/29/13

I believe no matter what one's beliefs are they shouldn't be judged by others. I think that the boy scouts are doing right by allowing gays to join in and perticipate. Just because they have different sexually beliefs doesn't mean that can't join in and enjoy being a scout with everyone else.

Monday, January 28, 2013

BR 1/28/13

I believe as long as Hillary Clinton has been in contact with presidential stuff that she would make a very good president. I also believe that when it came to someone knowing what they were talking about she would be a good candiate for it.

Friday, January 4, 2013

BR 1/3/13

I don't think this article is that interesting. It's just a little weird how the husband and his wife just happened to fly over their house and see a guy taking their trailer. But the guy deserved to be arrested and punished for the crime he did.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

BR 1/2/13

1. go to and write a recap of the fiscal bill that was passed earlier today. this is to be at least 250 words in your own interruption.

2. Go to several news sites and compile a top 12 list of 2012 news are to name the event. date the event and write a 200 word description summarizing the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS!!!! This is due by the end of class on Thursday!!! NO EXCEPTIONS!!!!!