Monday, April 29, 2013

BR 4/25/13

I find it rather ridiculous that they would say strapless dresses arent't allowed at the school dance especially if they've been allowed previous years. I also find it funny that the principal says the strapless dresses are a distraction to the boys. I mean some dresses can be inappropriate but they shouldn't make this as big of a deal as they are.

BR 4/29/13

This article states that whites and blacks weren't allowed to attend the same prom due to their skin color. I believe that this is very rediculous and racist. I also believe no matter what the color is of your skin you should be able to attend things equally.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

BR 4/18/13


BR 4/16/13

I believe how the explosives were made is very crazy. I can't believe how they made the explosives and I can't believe what things you can use to make explosives. I believe in todays society things are getting out of hand! I also believe that if you're not born in the United States you are not considered a U.S citizen no matter what tests you take!

BR 4/15/13

I somewhat belive that you should be allowed to carry a gun outside of your home but on the other hand I believe you shouldn't be allowed to. Its more less win win and lose lose situation when it comes to the topic.

BR 4/12/13

I believe that in order to purchase a gun they should do background checks on those purchasing a gun. I also believe that it's very necessary to do a background on those purchasing a gun because it finds out their history, if their a criminal or have an illness.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

BR 4/8/13

I believe that everyone is guilty of texting while driving. I also believe that it's uncalled for how adults are constantly complaining about teenagers texting and driving causing accidents to happen. But in reality their the ones admiting of texting and driving. I mean the article states that the percentage of texting while driving is clearly higher in adults then in teenagers. I believe that the texting while driving has become out of control and needs to be taking care of. There is no need for high numbers in deaths, crashes, injuries and other people being hurt do to unsafe drivers.