Wednesday, January 30, 2013

BR 1/31/13

People just need to think about what their really going to do when going to get an education and job. They need to think about money being spent toward an education and choosing wisely.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

BR 1/30/13

BR 1/16/13

I honestly don't care what type of license plate Obama or the state of Washington, D.C. is wanting or asking for. When im out on the road I tend to not pay attention to other peoples licenses plates. But I believe they just want to feel special and be different.

BR 1/15/13

I believe that they shouldn't take any gun righs away but they should require certain and stricter laws for those with weapons. But like I said before all states and everyone should consider all pros and cons of all weapons.

BR 1/14/13

I believe that they should pass some sort of weapon ban for the U.S because some things are becoming a little out of hand. But I believe they should consider all the pros and cons before passing any type of ban. They really need to consider that guns don't kill people or weapons period don't kill people, people kill people.

BR 1/29/13

I believe no matter what one's beliefs are they shouldn't be judged by others. I think that the boy scouts are doing right by allowing gays to join in and perticipate. Just because they have different sexually beliefs doesn't mean that can't join in and enjoy being a scout with everyone else.

Monday, January 28, 2013

BR 1/28/13

I believe as long as Hillary Clinton has been in contact with presidential stuff that she would make a very good president. I also believe that when it came to someone knowing what they were talking about she would be a good candiate for it.

Friday, January 4, 2013

BR 1/3/13

I don't think this article is that interesting. It's just a little weird how the husband and his wife just happened to fly over their house and see a guy taking their trailer. But the guy deserved to be arrested and punished for the crime he did.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

BR 1/2/13

1. go to and write a recap of the fiscal bill that was passed earlier today. this is to be at least 250 words in your own interruption.

2. Go to several news sites and compile a top 12 list of 2012 news are to name the event. date the event and write a 200 word description summarizing the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS!!!! This is due by the end of class on Thursday!!! NO EXCEPTIONS!!!!!