Monday, December 17, 2012

BR 12/17/12




The tragic shooting of Newtown, CT took place on Friday morning December 14, 2012 in Sandy Hook Elementary School. Twenty innocent children and seven adult's lives were taken on that day. One armed gunmen let out an open fire one after another, taking one life after another without even hesitating. No sign of why this very tragic shooting to place but it has really hit home with many. It's an awful shame that such innocent lives had to be takin on that day, lets just hope something like this never happens again.

Friday, December 14, 2012

BR 12/14/12

The article is about how this young man says he no longer needs his last name. He talks about how he wants to change his last name and why. He also talks about how his last name has no meaning to him and that he wants to have a last name that justifies who he is. If I could change my name I wouldn't change my last name only my first name. I would change the spelling to my first name to like KC instead of Casey because there are two Casey Burners and I hate it. Everyone always calls me the other Casey or always gets us confused. People only tell us apart due to our middle initial.

BR 12/13/12

I think it's crazy how many people have been dismissed from the army due to obesity. I don't disagree with the fact that they've been dismissed because of being over weight. All who take part in the armed forces should always have to be in shape. The only thing that I found crazy about it is how many people in the army are over weight & are being dismissed.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

BR 12/12/12

There was a leak in the gas line and caused an explosion. It blew up houses and caused damage, but nobody was injured. Now they have interstate 77 shut down.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

BR 12/11/12

I think that Obama needs to figure out what it is that the country really needs. If they don't come to an agreement, it will hurt all of us. Hopefully they can decide.

Monday, December 10, 2012

BR 12/10/12

I don't care what the age of those boys were, they knew what they were doing so therefore the deserve a punishment. It also sounds like to me that they don't have very good parental supervision.

BR 12/7/12

I believe it is citizen incivility because we as citizens shouldn't be worried about snapping photos of someone who is in need of help or who has been in a accident. We should take part in trying to help someone out who needs a hand or who has been in an accident rather than pulling out our phones and snapping a photo of them. I agree when they say people are just worried about feeding our social networks with capturing shocking videos and pictures.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

BR 12/6/12

I believe whoever has the better spoken word deserves the Grammy Award for the Best Spoken album. When chosing who deserves the award they should pay close attention to how much time they've put in it, purpose, and whether they've really put their all in it.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

BR 12/5/12

Women aren't banned from combat, but from infantry. If a women ends up pregnant, she'll get deployed and sent back home. It isn't necessarily fair to the women, but it happens.

BR 12/4/12

filibuster means to kill time which i am going to do right now while you waste your time reading this bellringer, so basically i am killing time by babbling on and making no sense at all!

Monday, December 3, 2012

BR 12/3/12

I believe extending school hours might possibly be a good idea but on the other hand it may not be fun. The good thing about it would be the students would learn more and benefit from it by getting through school faster. The not fun part would be having to go extra time because some kids may not like the idea nor parents.