Friday, November 30, 2012

BR 11/30/12

These articles show that American society has gone cray cray! People have literally lost their minds and have no lives! People should learn to live life the way you're suppose to instead of actin like were all outta our minds!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

BR 11/28/12

1. I beleive people are going crazy about the powerball but I don't blame them, I mean it is 500 million!! I know who ever wins will be lucky but some of the things that are required after you win are lame!

2. In the article they talk about how lottery sales have increased due to the amount of the powerball!

3. If I won the powerball I'd do so many things with the money. First, I would pay for all my medical expenses from when I first got diagnosed with diabetes. I would then help my parents out, also of my family members who needed help. I would then put some money back for my kids future. After, all that I'd go shopping and buy somethings to spoil myself. (:

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

BR 11/27/12

I believe that giving money for all charities is very reasonable. But with the sandy disaster that just happened it does give the holiday charities less of a chance to recieve a good bit of money. I believe that people will still what they can to donate money & things to charities this 2012 holiday season.

BR 11/26/12

I believe the baby boxes are awful and beyond a bad idea. It is showing women that its ok to have a baby and drop it off to the baby boxes. Women who take part in these baby boxes should be punished for abandoning a child they carried for 9 months. If they don't want to have a baby then maybe they shouldn't be sexually active and take some responsibility.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

BR 11/15/12

I think our President needs to sit down and think a little more about the things that are effecting American citizens today. He also needs to watch with money because our country is already in enough debt the way it is!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

BR 11/14/12

Bellringer 1: So a pregnant woman pinned her husband between a pole and their mini van for not voting! I think that is actually funny to be honest, I mean she's pregnant and her hormones are all crazy.

Bellringer 2: The results of the presidential debate was based on race, age, gender and etc. But blacks had more votes than the whites did.

BR 11/13/12

They are preping for when something bad happens in this crazy world we live in now. There is nothing wrong with having a little preparation for when something bad happens in the world but some people take it to a whole other extreme.