Thursday, October 25, 2012

BR 10/25/12

If Obama promised us Americans he would change things that were and are very important to us then he should of stuck by his words. If he is elected president he needs to fix those things he planned & promised us back in 2008.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

BR 10/24/12

I do beleive that the race is going to be very close between Obama and Romney. I think the donating $5 to that Obama thing is kinda ridiculous and crazy because it's prolly being wired to a personal account for himself. And before people vote they should really think about who their voting for and our future.

BR 10/23/12

I believe having to show proof of a birth certificate and proof of residency should be required. Some may disagree with these requirements but I believe it's the right thing in avoiding terriost attacks and identity theft.

Monday, October 22, 2012

BR 10/22/12

I don't think they should of considered bringing gambling into their state. They are realizing now that they made the wrong decision in bringing gambling to their state. So I think they should really pay attention to things they vote on before making them public.

Friday, October 19, 2012

BR 10/19/12

I didn't get to watch the first debate but I watched the second debate and I don't think it went that well. But I believe if Obama gets president again that he will fix problems that need necessary fixing.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

BR 10/18/12

I think Romney made himself look like a rude, immature Presidential candiate. I think Obama had every right to be snapy toward Romney because Romney always rudely interupted him. I don't believe they were very explainatory behind the questions they were asked because they were more worried about jumping down one anothers throats. But I think the race is going to be very close.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

BR 10/3/12

Bellringer 1: I think people who are voting should have to show a I.D so it shows that they say who they really are and shows that they are of age to vote and a U.S citizen.

Bellringer 2: I think the whole first name thing to determine your politics is dumb, doesn't really make sense to me.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

BR 10/9/12

I believe that people should be allowed to discuss their work, work pay and etc but keep it to a minium. And they should not be allowed to post things about their work on social media internet sites unless necessary.

BR 10/11/12

I don't believe in not being allowed to enroll into a college because of your skin color, beliefs and etc. Some of those things should be no concern to them because students are just trying to get an education.

BR 10/12/12

I think in this case Americans who vote might pay more attention to vice president candiates because of the things they talk about and are defensive about.

BR 10/15/12

I believe the No Child Left Behind is a joke! I think our education and the way students are taught should be taken more seriously then it is today and has been. They complain students are always dropping out well it's because they require more than some students can handle. I think they should pay more attention to the education and improve it.

BR 10/16/12

Bellringer 1: I believe as U.S citizens we should be allowed to have a say in who runs for president or at least the ones who do run should have to have some requirements.

Bellringer 2: I believe the race between Obama and Romney is going to be very close but I think people should pay close attention and really think before they vote so they make sure they are voting for the right candiate.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

BR 10/10/12

i believe that if they ask him to take down the ad then he should. all they are doing is asking him to take down the ad, end of story.

Monday, October 8, 2012

BR 10/8/12

I don't really care about whether people are getting tickets to leave the country or not. I think the whole thing is dumb and pointless.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

BR 10/2/12

Why do we keep relecting the same politicians? Some of those Senators have been there for 25 years. Everybody says they want change but do they, do they really consider the opinions of our Americans.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Social Issue 2 10/1/12

Senate Bill

Summary: Prohibiting all bullying in public school

Lead Sponsor: Casey L. Burner

Bill Text: This bill is written to prohibit all bullying in public schools in the United States. With this bill it will state that all students taking part in bullying another student will be punished. It will state that all teachers must take action when a student is being bullied or is being a bully.

Subject(s): bullying
                   health issues

BR 10/1/12

I believe the airport security checks should check luggage more closely than they do now. I believe if they looked through passengers belongings they would lower the weapon carry on rate. I also believe the passangers who have weapons or care on weapons should be punished for what ever reason possible.