Wednesday, May 8, 2013

BR 5/7/13

The article is stating that a girl was denied injunction against her school principal. I believe that the girl filed false information and just wants attention.

Monday, May 6, 2013

BR 5/6/13

I believe the guy doesn't deserve a proper burial, he took other peoples lives who were completely innocent. I agree with not letting his family purchase a memorial stone. In my defense I think his family should have to take him back home and bury him there.

Monday, April 29, 2013

BR 4/25/13

I find it rather ridiculous that they would say strapless dresses arent't allowed at the school dance especially if they've been allowed previous years. I also find it funny that the principal says the strapless dresses are a distraction to the boys. I mean some dresses can be inappropriate but they shouldn't make this as big of a deal as they are.

BR 4/29/13

This article states that whites and blacks weren't allowed to attend the same prom due to their skin color. I believe that this is very rediculous and racist. I also believe no matter what the color is of your skin you should be able to attend things equally.